Sunday, January 12, 2014

Adventures Turned Upside Down

Some of you know there is something wrong and some of you know bits and pieces. Before I give all the guts of our situation I give a warning, it's brutally honest and not an ounce of pretty. Anyone who knows our family, knows we struggled with infertility and after fostering, adopted our children in 2009. We've had our baby birds for almost 6 years and I can't even imagine what our life was like without them. It has been so hard, emotional, gut wrenching, disappointments galore, frustrations abound, and yet it has also been silly, fun, inspiring, passionate, and more than a bit on the ridiculous. The Gypsy and I have learned so much about life and love and perseverance in these five and a half years. Nothing about our lives have ever been "normal." That being said, you all know we came to Thailand two and a half years ago for Chris to teach in an international Christian school and for us to work in the missions. Let me state, for the record, it is hard to live here, but the community is amazing, uplifting, supportive and have become family. We have an amazing student ministries lead by the most wonderful woman who loves kids and truly wants to see them grow spiritually. My birds have been exposed to so many wonderful things. They are international travelers, they've gone on service projects where they help serve slum kids and elderly who are living in poverty. They have helped at orphanages and bagged rice and fish for the people who lost their homes in the flood. They have traveled to some of the most beautiful beaches and have seen wild monkeys and exotic animals from the land of Thai. We've even ridden an elephant through the tropics. All the adventures and love we've poured into those birds and yet, it's come to this awful place. See, sometimes love isn't enough. When someone chooses not to heal from being broken, hurt and scarred, what do you do? We are left with this question and have no answer. My son has been expelled from school. There, I've said it. Some of you are rolling your eyes and saying I'm so dramatic, but the truth is, this means so much more for us than just him not going to school. It started last year around after Christmas. Defiance, rude behaviors, door slamming, eye know, normal teenager behavior. Then, in May, it took a turn for the worst. He became physically threatening and would act like he was going to hit any one of us at any moment when told no or not getting his way. The summer came and we started with a new therapist and began intensive therapy three times a week and got a new psychiatrist with new medications. One summer night the violence escalated in the bathroom downstairs where the Gypsy contained him so he couldn't get to the kitchen and get knives, which he was threatening to do. After about an hour of trying to talk him down he was wrestled to the kitchen floor and prayed over, the only thing that allowed him to calm down and cry out his fight. Therapist came out to our house and we, as a family, made a new contract with this baby bird that told him which behaviors were consequence-able and which ones were call the police-able. He agreed with these consequences and it seemed to work for a while. When school started he had to be pulled from regular 7th grade classes and put in small group because he was constantly resisting and lying about doing homework, falling behind and having trouble. This seemed to take a lot of pressure off him and he was doing well in small group. He was also doing well enough to make the basketball team and take pride in being a part of things. We thought life was looking up. Even though the normal teenager like things were still happening, the violence and disrespect had gone. Then, the stealing started. Yes, please, allow me to remind you at this point that I already told you this was brutally honest and not pretty. At all. Not easy to read? Well, imagine me, mamma bird, typing this all out. No, not pretty. I won't go into all the details of the stealing, let's just say that it's bad. So bad he got expelled after paying back (well, us paying it back ) and apologizing and having another contract and breaking it over and over. Now, what shall we do? There is no juvenile detention in Thailand. Thai prison. Forever. So, if we stay here in Thailand, my son has no school to go to and will have no where to go. We've looked into boys' homes in the states but guess what? Missionaries don't have 60,000$ laying around for boys who get kicked out of school! Most homes require a lot of money and we just don't have it. We've looked into so many places that all require us to live in the U.S. Department of Family and Children Services won't help us because we don't live in the U.S. and quite frankly, to them we have been a successful adoption for five and a half years, so why would they help us? So, we are stuck my friends, between a rock and a hard place. As much as my child is loved, we have no idea what to do with him. No such thing as alternative school here. So, come two days from now my Gypsy and one bird will be going to school and the violent bird and I get to stay home. So, I will be saying no to a lot of projects, I will break commitments to people and I will be heavily burdened. So, when you see us, know we've been and are going through hell. We love our birds. Just love us, and keep judgments at home, or at least behind closed doors because quite frankly, I don't care. All I care about is my family, getting my birds help and lifting my Gypsy up as he's held me in all these months. And seriously, I know some of you may wonder if we are questioning our faith and the answer is, no. Our faith is so much stronger and I know that Holy Spirit has been with us through all of this. I mean, we are all alive, right? We're waiting on God's divine timing and His answer to our questions in all this. It's hard, but we're clinging to the hope we have in Jesus and bending our will to His. Prayers, we could use them. Help. If anyone knows of a boys' home or some type of agency that would be willing to work with missionaries who live over seas, please send us information. If anyone's church would like to support us, raise money or send letters and prayer. These are the things we need. Thanks to all my friends and family who have supported us through these hard times. We have certainly been blessed with wonderful friends who have walked this walk with us, an amazing school that has gone above and beyond to help our family, and friends all over the world praying. We feel the love.


  1. Staci, love you so very much, my friend! Watching you and Chris walk this very hard road makes my heart just ache, but it also keeps me in prayer for your family. I know it looks like there are no answers, but I also know that God loves the Wolski family and I believe He will provide the next step for your family in His perfect timing.. I love your honesty, your love for Chris, your love for your kids and your love for the Lord. And, remember that the Lord is near the broken-hearted...may you continue to feel His arms around you minute by minute. Know that the Harkins are lifting you all up continually in prayer.

  2. Praying for you guys. Love you and words can't say how sorry I am that you guys are having to go through this. Even though prayer is all I can send your way, I do believe it is probably what you need most. Love you guys!

  3. Staci,
    Thank you so much for your honesty and posting this... You are not alone my friend. I know it has been some time since we have communicated but through facebook I have been able to follow your journey since you moved to Thailand. Let me first tell you that you are not alone in what you are going through. You see I too have a child that was birthed by me, has lived in what most would say a stable environment, yet dysfunctional. Cause lets admit it, is there really such a thing as a non dysfunctional family..LOL Anyways, my husband and I have experienced the same exact thing that you and your Gypsy are going through. For us it started the minute he was born. I knew something was not right with my son from the beginning and the doctors just thought I was crazy. By the time he was 3 and we had our 3rd child we were scared for her life as he would try to harm her on many occasions. So we chose to medicate. This went on for a couple of years. Always trying a "NEW COCKTAIL" as the mental health world calls it and yet never really seeing the results we wanted. He was either going to be lethargic and non responsive or the meds just flat out didn't work. So we decided to take him off his meds for awhile and see how things went. We tried psychotherapy, play therapy you name it we tired it. Now fast forward... he is now 18 years old and while some of his behavior has changed, only because we decide to ignore and not push buttons, he has chosen a path that will eventually lead him to destruction... He is an amazing athlete when it comes to football and had the potential to get a football scholarship but his grades are holding him back from that. Wow that really feels good to get it out in the open and put it down in writing... LOL If you ever need to talk or vent PLEASE feel free to contact via email at or call me 770-547-7366... I feel and share your frustration and pain with what you are going through. It is not fair that all these so called wonderful boys homes/camps should cost so much money. I will pray for all of you and especially your daughter as this is going to affect her in many ways. I know it has really messed my daughter up and I pray that she will lean on our Heavenly Father for her healing.
